1995 Championnat de Suisse Superbike

DateRd.CircuitEvent NameResults
1995-04-161Flag of France LédenonChampionnat de Suisse
1995-05-282Flag of France Magny-CoursFMS no. 5 Magny-CoursGO!
1995-06-113Flag of Switzerland Boécourt-La CaquerelleChampionnat de Suisse
1995-07-024Flag of France Le VigeantCS Val de VienneGO!
1995-07-235Flag of Switzerland Châtel-St.-Denis-Les PaccotsCancelled due to fatal accident during 125cc Elite qualifying.
1995-08-016Flag of France Paul Ricard (Short)Championnat de Suisse
1995-09-247Flag of Belgium Spa-FrancorchampsMoto Pulsion RAC TrophyGO!

Can You Help?

The following official data is currently missing:

1995-04-16 Lédenon: All sessions, Entry list

1995-06-11 Boécourt-La Caquerelle: Qualifying 2, Run 1, Run 2, Qualifying 1, Entry list

1995-07-02 Le Vigeant: Qualifying 1, Qualifying 2, Entry list

1995-08-01 Paul Ricard (Short): All sessions, Entry list

1995-09-24 Spa-Francorchamps: Qualifying 1, Qualifying 2, Entry list

Copies of any of this information would be greatly appreciated. If you have any additional information about this season's races or riders, please contact me!